Price list
Below is the list of prices for the selection of photography packages which we are currently offering.

Pet Packages
Pets Package 1
Photoshoot with one pet for half an hour/hour with the option to take away as many photos as you like taken by our photographer!
Price: Half Hour £25, Hour £35
Pets Package 2
Photoshoot with one pet and it's owner for an half hour with the option to take away as many photos as you like taken by our photographer!
Price: Half Hour £30, Hour £40
Baby/Kids Package 1
Photoshoot with a singularchild for a half hour/hour with the option to take away as many photos as you would like!
Price: Half hour £30, Hour £50
Baby/Kids Package 2
Photoshoot with 2-4 children for half an hour or an hour with the option to take away unlimited photos!
Price: Half Hour £50, Hour £70
Baby/Kids Pacakge 3
Photoshoot with 3- 5 plus kids for half an hour or an hour plus take away unlimited photos!
Price: Half Hour £70, Hour £90
Baby/Kids Packages
Family Package
Family Package 1
Photoshoot for half an hour hire with unlimited images which will all be edited for families up to 5 people. Families of any size greater then 5 will receive the same package but will have to pay for the hourly price.
Price: £25
Please note that all packages will be edited and black and white photos will be included.
Discounts are available under the following conditions:
10% available for families with children who have attended 25+ sessions at Fuse.
20% fuse staff discount
Family Package 2
Photoshoot for an hour hire with unlimited images which will all be edited, intended for families greater than 5 but can be under this number.
Price: £40